Friday, January 13, 2006

Proofread, Proofread. Proofread!!!

Finals ended yesterday so today is a teachers' workday. I have had many things on my agenda, such as meetings, power point presentations, talking with chemical supply houses, writing lesson plans...plenty to keep me busy for the day.
I had attended all the meetings and called the supply house and had settled in at the computer to do my lesson plans. I began typing the plans for next week for each of 4 different courses. I typed Physics II, Physics I, Chemistry II, Chemistry I. As I was typing I was trying to hurry but proofread my work at the same time since a copy of each one must be submitted to the principal. I don't want something in my file which might indicate that maybe I'm not on top of the game. As I was proofing my chemistry lesson plans, I came to the section where I discuss the tie-dyeing lab we will be doing. I talk about preparing the solutions, soaking the shirts, putting the rubber bands on the shirts, etc. When I came to the section regarding the rubber bands I noticed a mistake. The statement was supposed to read, "Prepare the shirts for dyeing" I had written the statement with the "r" omitted from the word "shirts". (Think about it.)
I decided this was a great example of why we should always proofread!


Anonymous said...

ROFL!!!! You know, if I was doing that sort of thing I would have STILL missed my mistake ROFL

I'm glad you caught it hahahaha

One less shoe to chew!

Libby said...

I have been wondering, what does "ROFL" mean?

Sarah said...

ROFL - Roll On the Floor Laughing

Unknown said...

lol ...oh oh !!!

Anonymous said...
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