Monday, May 01, 2006


It is May 1st which is May Day. Most people don't celebrate May Day anymore. From my understanding, on May 1st people would dance around a "May pole" interweaving ribbons in celebration of this date. It seems I read somewhere that this was actually a pagan celebration, but I don't have the energy to research that right now and my mind is too fuzzy to remember all the obscure facts I once knew.

However, the title of this post is actually a pun. It is May Day, but I AM calling for help. I go back to the Dr. today for a re-evaluation. I know that I am still having pain, but I don't want to stay home if I am able to go back to work.

How can you help? Pray for my healing and my Dr. that God will give him wisdom. My Dr. is a Christian and also believes in healing so I know the faith is there as well.


ruthrap said...

can't blame you for not wanting to stay home, Libby, and for the sake of all involved I'll pray your dr. will let you go back to work!! and that your pain will completely go away!!! have a good day!

Unknown said...

Im praying for you!! luv ya libby!!

Anonymous said...

On my knees!