Thursday, December 01, 2005


I hate the cold! I get depressed if winter lasts too long. My family and I spent several recent winter and early spring vacations in Florida and Myrtle Beach to get a break from it.

This year we are going to NY in May to hear our daughter sing at Carnegie Hall so we had to forego our winter escape. I've been dreading the seemingly eternal winter ever since. I have put off making our flight and room reservations because one can never be too sure how many days the school year will be extended due to snow.

Well, right on cue, the first official day of the meteorologists' winter, we get our first accumulation of snow. The weather man said an inch, maybe two. My husband swept 5 inches of light snow off of our vehicles this morning. ...And at least another inch was brushed off again by the time I left for work!

The roads were terrible. Even the interstate had only a path on one lane to drive on! Somehow it still wasn't bad enough to call off school. I'm actually relieved. I don't want the end of school extended. Although, those surprise days off, especially in december, are really nice.

In spite of my hatred for winter, even I have to recognize its magic. I looked out my bedroom window upon the new fallen snow and was in awe. All the ugliness of the barren trees, the brown, dingy, dried up leaves, dead grass and withered flowers was now covered with a beautiful blue-white blanket that glowed in the faint morning light.
I know all the science behind "how it works" but still I was fascinated. The little kid in me wanted to put on my galoshes and go out and play. I envied my husband a little bit (very little bit) because he got to play using the broom. It looked fun brushing the snow off the cars. I wanted to go pack some snowballs and pound him with them. I wanted to fall on the mounds and make angels. I followed the tracks that my dog left to see if I could figure out exactly where he went on his morning excursion. I wanted to put up twinkle lights outside and watch the beautiful colors that reflect on the snow. I caught myself wishing I had already decorated for Christmas outside. I would have turned the lights on this morning just to see the glow they would make under the snow.

I would love to put my life and obligations on hold and go out and play! But I must return to reality. My students are turning in tests that must be graded. I have classes to prepare lessons for, a dinner engagement after school then a concert for my daughter. By that time it w
ill be bedtime and the whole cycle will start again. And so I will be the adult I am expected to be. Just know that in my heart...I'm making snowmen!


Darrell said...

Well, you have answered the question as to why we live so far north... TRAITOR!!!

(See my blog to understand that)

Actually, I love seeing the kid come out in you and the twinkle that is in your eyes on mornings like this.

Love ya babe!

(And don't even go there Sarah!)

Sarah said...

I can't believe that you would think that I might have something to add to that! ~~mumbles various loving and/or sarcastic connotations under breath ~~