The same reasoning holds for schools. I have been criticized for teaching in public schools instead of a private Christian school. First of all and most importantly, this is what God has called me to do. But aside from that, if we take all the Christian teachers out of the schools, what influence have we left for the young people of the U.S. to follow and look up to as role models? If we take all the Christian students out of the schools, what peers have we left for other students to be influenced by. I truly believe my children are missionaries on a mission field.
I am not putting down anyone who chooses home schooling or private Christian schools. You must do what God has directed you to do, but I do think sometimes we try to isolate ourselves from the rest of the world! Not just politically, not just in education, but we do it in our churches as well! We fail to become friends with the unsaved and spend all of our time with other Christians. How are we going to reach the lost if we are never around the lost?
The Bible says we are to be in the world but not of the world. I understand that to mean we live and function in daily lives as normal people. We just don't partake of sinful things. Jesus made his closest friends people that most people at that time wouldn't give the time of day to. They weren't the holy saints from the synagogue. He befriended them, taught them, discipled (trained) them. They weren't "good Christians" when Christ met them!
We are to be the salt of the earth. Salt doesn't just "sit" on the meat or other food and look nice. It chemically changes and reacts with the food, preserving it and changing its flavor. We can't change lives of the unsaved if we don't get involved with them! I don't mean go drinking at the bar with your coworkers. I do mean going to dinner with them. Sitting and chatting with them at work. Spending time building friendships, then they'll notice something in you that they lack.
I do believe this includes the political realm. I had a friend at the school where I worked in Lincoln, whom I loved dearly and still keep in touch with by email. She openly confessed she was not a Christian. She knew exactly where I stood. She would tease me sometimes calling me a closet liberal because I didn't look down on her for her beliefs, but she was keenly aware of my stand on abortion, gay rights or other "conservative" issues. She knew I disagreed with her, but still gave me the opportunity to express why I believe what I believe. She allowed me this right because I had become her friend.
Schools, politics, work, little league, the GROCERY store, these are all areas where we can let the love of God shine through! We should not limit where God wants to use us. We need to be involved in ALL everyday aspects of life! Especially those that affect the moral direction of this country.