At long last, we are finished remodeling Ashley's room. With all the setbacks it took nearly two years! If I can find the before pictures I will post them but for now here are the after pictures!

Just a place to get away and write what's on my mind. Like opening a can of fruit cocktail, you're never exactly sure what you're gonna get.
That is a very cool room!
My 9 yr old daughter would love it!!!
Thanks. There are also blacklights on top of the closet which reflect off of objects on the ceiling. I just didn't know if it would show up in a picture.
Welcome back Libby! That room is better than anything Ty ever did on Extreme Home Makeover! Great Job!
Thanks. The prep work on the walls is what was the worst. There were several layers of wallpaper, borders and paint. When I got to the bottom of all that there were portions of wall that literally fell out! I had to strip the wood around the windows and door and there was another place in the wall where a door had been removed but not properly patched. You could still see the outline of the doorway. At least now if I decide I want to redecorate all I have to do is get the paint and rollers and go at it.
Nice job.I want to do more in Katies room.When are you free (Ha Ha)
makes me tired jsut hearing about it ... lol but it looks great!
it's amazing what previous people hide... in my parents old house when they removed the wal paper downstairs, they had to repair bullet holes! Lord only knows what happened!
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