Wednesday, February 01, 2006

It's Time to Celebrate!!!

Okay, I know I may be considered a little strange, (so what else is new, right?) but I get excited every year when the calendar turns to February 1st! No it's not an anniversary or birthday or any holiday (at least that I know of) it is simply one of my methods of surviving the long dreary winter in Illinois.

I have little difficulty getting through November and December because I 'm too busy (busier than I'd like to be) to think about the nasty weather, but then January rolls around! Not only is it dreary but it is SOOO LOOONNNGG!!! I mean 31 days of dreariness and NO good holidays! That's sheer torture. Seriously, who was the brain child who set up the calendar to have one of the longest months to be in the dead of WINTER anyway!?

Yes, it is still winter and dreary in February, but at least you know that there are usually only 4 weeks to deal with AND there's Valentine's Day right in the middle to break it up! The days start to get longer, the sun starts to shine again and best of all Spring is just around the corner!
I celebrated today by putting colorful hearts and flowers up on the glass doors of the storage cabinets in my classroom, right in front of the 500 ml beakers and erlenmeyer flasks! Yes, I am ready to celebrate the month! No more SaDS for me! Spring, here I come!


Sarah said...

My sister and I used to hibernate during the winter months. We basically locked ourselves in our house. Our best friend lived across the street and we would always “reintroduce” ourselves come springtime.

We didn't even realize we were doing it until one day our friend asked why we never come around in the winter.

The funny thing is - I continue to do it as an adult. I slide right into hibernation mode if someone doesn't point it out to me. And, my sister moved to a place that never has a winter. Ha!

Libby said...

Come celebrate February 1st with me tonight!

Henry Haney said...

Yes, I love this time of year too. I'm bivocational so I work till 5 pm two weeks and I work till 6 pm one week..and then rotate again (confused? I am-LOL)

I was just telling one of my co-workers that I'm so glad the days are getting longer (this is my 6 o' clock week).

Oh by the way- I linked to your blog tonight- I hope that's ok- I think my readers will enjoy reading your blogging insights :)- They really enjoy reading your Hubby's blog too.

Have a good one,

Libby said...

What do you do that has the change in schedule. It can't be pastoring that causes the strange schedule. We all know pastors only work a couple of hours on Sunday and again on Wednesday:)

Henry Haney said...

Isn't that the truth? All preachers do is play golf, eat out, and preach a couple of sermons each week right? LOL

I'm a customer service supervisor for an advertising company. I work 40 hrs a week there and of course the two hours I spend pastoring-LOL

That's a prayer request I have- I would love to go full-time with the church but we still are not able to do that right now. Thanks for the reciprocal link as well!

Neil said...

When I first started pastoring we lived in southeastern Kentucky, about 8-9 hours from our home in Illinois. My father always wanted me to come home during the week, I always told we couldn't come, were busy with the church and all that pastor stuff. One day he just got tired of hearing how busy I was and said, "All you have to do is preach on Sunday, why can't you come home!" Guess I should have told him that as I soon as I finished my fried chicken and put the golf clubs away we'd get on the road! Funny how people think we preachers live! By the way Libby, I did add your blog link to my blog today...I'm feeling kind of techy!