Tuesday, March 28, 2006

More Pictures

I can't believe how much the kids have grown since these pictures were taken! Ashley is catching up with me and Daniel is almost 6 INCHES taller than I am now!


Anonymous said...

Hello Libby,

Thank you for visiting my site!

I have made a total of $120.00U.S so far with the 3 websites that have paid for the services. It's not a bad deal since I have barely advertised the site and it's just through people who land on it by chance or through my postings.

It actually started out as a joke, as in what is the best way to earn $1.00 from the blogosphere, so I posted teh $1.00 buy a groupie monthly service. Then, after I had the 3 customers, I am starting to realize that this is completely utterly 100% undervalued (as some people have pointed out to me).

The worst service that people can buy from me is the $10.00 for 100 comments service, because it literally takes me hours. My first customer ordered this, and after his traffic jumped, he ordered another $50 worth, which is equal to 500 comments. I was sweating buckets trying to post thoughtful comments. One thing I never do is post comments like "Great site, visit mine". That's just stupid, but this is just killing me. As time went on, I became more proficient and now have a good system of posting unique comments, but I don't sacrifice on the content. Rob's http://robchina.blogspot.com site has increased in "comments" ever since my postings, I think it went from 0-2 comments a day to about 3-7. SO, I know it's working.

One frightening thought for me is what if some one actually pays $100 for 10000 comments on 10000 unique sites? I would literally die, and they are the only ones who gain. My hope is that no one does this, and I can sleep at night :)

So, I haven't really marketed the site because of the above. To be honest, I don't really want to make that much money from it, killing myself in the process. I can make more by doing nothing from my google adsense sites...not much, but at least I am not posting 4 articles a month and writing comments for $1.00. It's meant as a site where I can do what I love (surfing blogs,reading, and writing) and help someone out in the process all for the minimum I think I can charge.

I hope that answers your question. Come by whenever you like!


Sarah said...

So you get paid to basically spam blog comments? How is that adding any value to it?

I simply don't buy the One frightening thought for me is what if some one actually pays $100 for 10000 comments on 10000 unique sites? I would literally die, and they are the only ones who gain. If that were truly the case you just wouldn't offer it as an option.

It's all in the marketing. Act like it is actually a hardship and that you are doing someone else the favor.

Sarah said...

Back on topic- Libby, when were these pictures taken? I think the biggest difference shown is Daniel.

Unknown said...

Great pics!! one of these day I want to take my kids there!!!

Darrell said...

Those were taken the week after Christmas 2004.

Darrell said...

The funny thing is that because Ashley is so small, people don't notice the change in her. But take a good look at the last picture of us and then look at her standing next us at church tonight. The kid has grown a bunch... but is still small for her age.